12 Tips for Writing Effective Emails

12 Tips for Writing Effective Emails

Emails are essential for communicating with colleagues, clients, and vendors. However, some emails can be too long with endless paragraphs, others too brusque, overly formal, or too informal, and some even risk putting the company in legal jeopardy. Each email must serve its intended purpose: to disseminate information clearly and collegially. Crafting effective emails that are clear and concise can save time and effort for both the reader and the recipient, impacting the bottom line positively. Let’s explore 12 tips to help you craft an effective email.

Related: Email list Validation

Here is 12 Tips for Writing Effective Emails

Subject Lines Are Important

A subject line that teases or doesn’t match the content can be frustrating when searching for specific content later. Ensuring the subject line accurately reflects the email’s content is vital.

Use Bullet Points and Highlight Calls to Action

Using bullet points helps the recipient to read the email more quickly and effectively, making it easier to identify the main points. If the email requires action, highlighting the call to action ensures it’s noticed.

Keep It Short

No one has time to read through long emails. Avoid unrelated content to maintain the reader’s attention and respect their time.

Don’t Muddle Content

Sticking to one content area per email helps keep things clear. For instance, a follow-up email after a meeting with a colleague should include something other than information about a different client or the company picnic. Muddling content makes it harder to search and match the subject line later.

Be Collegial

Starting with a pleasantry can set a positive tone. After crafting the email, I often add a friendly line like, “I hope you had a great vacation” or “Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the Fall weather.”

Watch Your Tone

Tone can be tricky in emails, as readers often assess it differently than intended. To convey the correct tone, be careful with exclamation marks and avoid inflammatory words.

Avoid Too Many Exclamation Marks and No Emojis

While exclamation marks can convey excitement, they might also be interpreted as anger or frustration. And while emojis might be fun, they should NEVER be used in a work email, except possibly to a close friend.

Avoid Quotes That Could Be Offensive to Others

Adding quotes at the bottom of emails can be nice, but ensure they’re benign and inspirational rather than carrying religious meaning or excluding others. Offering a co-worker, client, or vendor could lead to losing productivity and business.

Always Proofread Your Emails

Sending emails with typos or misspelled words makes you look bad. Take an extra minute to proofread and ensure your email is polished.

Never Send an Email When Angry or Frustrated

If you must write when angry or frustrated, do so in a Word document to avoid accidentally hitting the send button.

Email Chains

While email chains can be effective, a quick telephone conversation is sometimes more efficient than hours of back-and-forth emails. If you change content areas, change the subject line to keep things clear.

Legal Ramifications

Remember, your email, and even your colleague’s, is subject to a warrant in cases of illegal activity or a lawsuit. Work emails are the property of your employer, so NEVER include anything that could compromise you or the company from a legal or professional perspective. Avoid defamatory comments, harassment, admitting wrongdoing, accusing someone of a crime, promising a quid pro quo, or promising something that can’t be delivered.


How to write effective emails?

Writing effective emails involves several key principles to ensure clarity, professionalism, and efficiency in communication. Here are some tips to help you write better emails:

  1. Clear and Concise Subject Line: The subject line should accurately reflect the content of the email and be clear enough to give the recipient an idea of what to expect.
  2. Use a Professional Email Address: Ensure your email address is professional and appropriate for business communication.
  3. Greeting: Start your email with a polite greeting. If you know the recipient’s name, use it (e.g., “Dear Mr. Smith,” “Hello Sarah,” etc.).

Clear and Organized Structure: Use short paragraphs and bullet points to make your email easy to read. Organize your thoughts logically.

  1. Be Direct and Specific: State the purpose of your email in the first couple of sentences. Clearly explain what you want or need from the recipient.
  2. Use Proper Tone and Language: Use a polite and respectful tone. Avoid using slang, abbreviations, or overly casual language unless appropriate for your relationship with the recipient.
  3. Proofread Before Sending: Check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. A well-written email reflects professionalism and attention to detail.
  4. Include Relevant Information: Provide all necessary details the recipient needs to understand your message and take appropriate Action.
  5. Call to Action (if applicable): If your email requires the recipient to take Action, clearly state what you expect them to do and any relevant deadlines.
  6. Closing: End your email with a polite closing (e.g., “Best regards,” “Thank you,” “Sincerely,” etc.) followed by your full name.
  7. Attachments and Links: If you attach files or include links, mention them clearly in your email and verify that they are correct.
  8. Consider the Recipient: Tailor your email to the recipient’s level of familiarity with you and the subject matter. Avoid jargon they may not understand.
  9. Reply Promptly: Respond promptly if you receive a reply, especially if it requires Action or further discussion.
  10. Avoid Emotional Emails: If you’re upset or angry, it’s best to wait before drafting an email. Emotional emails can lead to misunderstandings or strained relationships.
  11. Follow Up if Necessary: If you are still waiting to receive a response within a reasonable timeframe, follow up politely.

What are the 5 points to writing a perfect email?

Writing a perfect email involves several key points to ensure it is clear, concise, and achieves its purpose effectively. Here are five essential points:

  1. Clear Objective: Clearly state the purpose of your email in the first sentence or two. This helps the recipient understand immediately why you are writing and what you expect from them.
  2. Concise and Relevant Content: Keep your email focused and to the point. Avoid unnecessary details or information that could confuse the recipient. Use short paragraphs and bullet points to make it easier to read.
  3. Professional Tone: Maintaining a polite and respectful tone throughout your email is important. This shows consideration for the recipient and reflects your professionalism. Tailor your language to the recipient’s familiarity level, but avoid overly casual language or jargon that might need to be understood. Proofreading and Editing: Before sending, it’s crucial to review your email for any grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, or unclear phrasing. A well-edited email reflects professionalism and boosts your confidence in your communication skills. Call to Action or Clear Next Steps: If your email requires the recipient to take action, clearly state what you expect them to do and any applicable deadlines. Provide any necessary context or information they might need to fulfill your request.

How to write a perfect professional email in English 7 useful tips?

Writing a perfect professional email requires attention to detail and adherence to certain guidelines. Here are seven useful tips to help you write a professional email in English:

  1. Clear and Concise Subject Line: Your subject line should accurately summarize the purpose of your email. It should be clear and specific to help the recipient understand the content and priority of your message at a glance.
  2. Use a Professional Greeting: Start your email with a polite greeting. Use the recipient’s name if you know it (e.g., “Dear Mr. Smith,” “Hello Sarah,” etc.). If you’re unsure of the recipient’s name or preference, you can use “Dear [Company Name] Team” or a similar greeting.
  3. Another key aspect of professional email writing is using clear and simple language. This ensures that the recipient easily understands your message, reducing the risk of misinterpretation. Avoiding jargon and complex sentences and focusing on clarity are the keys to effective communication. Structure Your Email Logically: Organize your email into paragraphs with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Use bullet points or numbered lists to break down information if needed, especially for complex topics or multiple points.
  4. Be Polite and Courteous: Maintain a polite and respectful tone throughout your email. Use please and thank you appropriately. Even if you’re addressing a concern or requesting action, being courteous helps maintain a positive professional relationship.
  5. Proofread Before Sending: Always proofread your email for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. If possible, read your email aloud to catch any awkward phrasing or mistakes. A well-written email reflects attention to detail and professionalism.
  6. Include a Clear Call to Action or Closing: If necessary, end your email with a clear call to action specifying what you expect the recipient to do or respond to. Alternatively, include a polite closing statement (e.g., “Thank you for your attention to this matter,” “Looking forward to your response,” etc.) followed by your full name and any necessary contact information.
"Five Psychological Hacks to Write Emails That Get Results"

Five Psychological Hacks to Write Emails That Get Results

When it comes to email marketing, understanding psychological tactics can significantly enhance engagement with your subscribers. This blog post might reveal five key strategies any marketer can utilize to excel at their job, potentially leading to a significant improvement in your campaigns. Consider how the White House team under Barack Obama doubled their five-star reviews and broke records for donations by implementing these approaches. Imagine downloading a guide or an ebook on email marketing, offering insights from a cognitive neuroscientist who worked with the Department of Veterans Affairs. These methods could increase your signups for a veteran benefit scheme, emphasizing the endowment effect—a bias where people value items more if they own them. Highlighting how eligible veterans can sign up and earn their benefits can have a profound impact. Listening to a podcast like Nudge or conducting email tests with your newsletter subscribers can reveal effective campaign tactics.

Related: Email List Services

"Five Psychological Hacks to Write Emails That Get Results"

A Beginner’s Guide to Email Marketing

To execute and measure a successful email marketing campaign, it’s crucial to focus on growing your email list and staying CAN-SPAM compliant. Implementing email automation and segmenting your audience can transform your outreach efforts. By offering a free guide, subscribers can learn the fundamentals of effective email campaigns.

Related: Cold Email Campaign 

Show Readers What They’re Missing

According to Nobel prize-winning behavioral scientists like Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, loss aversion—the idea that losses are more painful than equivalent gains—can be leveraged in marketing. Applying this to emails, you can tweak the subject line to create a sense of urgency or FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). For instance, subtly announcing a new episode by asking readers to listen before it’s too late can significantly increase both open and click rates.

People Follow the Crowd

Humans tend to follow the masses, whether picking a popular dish or watching a blockbuster movie. This psychological bias, known as social proof, can be utilized in emails. An experiment with subject lines that promote a popular show or episode can double your downloads and listen-to rates, subsequently improving the open rate and click rate.

Praise Loyal Subscribers

The consistency principle suggests that people like to stick to their past behaviors. By simply reminding your loyal subscribers how they’ve supported you, you can review their engagement and encourage them to stay consistent. This hypothesis was tested and resulted in a higher open rate and click rate, even doubling the latter in some cases.

Showcase Scarcity

Leveraging scarcity in your emails can create a sense of urgency. Think about how scarce resources like concert tickets sell out in seconds. Researchers tested this concept in a cafe by observing behavior around cookies in a full jar versus a near-empty one. The near-empty jar led to more purchases. In your email marketing, offering subscribers exclusive, time-limited, free access to a marketing course can tap into this powerful tactic. This scarcity variant has been shown to yield a higher open rate.

Spark Curiosity

Take a page from the 2012 Barack Obama campaign team’s playbook to spark curiosity. They used odd subject lines like “Hey” to raise funds effectively. This piqued curiosity, making people wonder about the email, leading to more donations. Using the curiosity gap in your emails—creating a sense of mystery—can nudge your audience to open and engage with your content. Running a/b tests can help refine these approaches, offering cost-free insights into what works best. Try these tips to see an immediate improvement in your email campaigns.


5 Chipset Bulk Email List Validation Tools of 2024

5 Chipset Bulk Email List Validation Tools of 2024

Email marketing rocks! It’s super affordable and awesome for connecting with your peeps, boosting your brand, and scoring leads and sales.
But here’s the deal: To nail those email campaigns, your list must be squeaky clean, totally accurate, and super fresh.

What is Email list validation and why is it important?

Email list validation is all about checking and cleaning your email list. It gets rid of bad, inactive, and duplicate emails, ensuring your emails reach the right people and don’t end up in the spam folder.

Why is it so crucial?

  1. Fewer bounces: Sending to fake addresses hurts your reputation and can get you marked as a spammer.
  2. Better reputation: Removing spammy emails keeps your sender score high and your emails in the inbox.
  3. More engagement: Sending to active recipients means higher open and click rates.
  4. Cost savings: Cleaning your list means spending less on email marketing.

How to Choose the Best Email List Validation Tool For Your Needs?


Look For Precise Email Verification


Choose a tool that’s fast without sacrificing quality.


Choose a tool that’s fast without sacrificing quality.


Seek features like bulk verification, API integration, and spam-trap removal.


Opt for providers with responsive customer service.

Top 5 Email List Validation Tools Of 2024

Looking for the perfect Chipset Bulk email list validation tools?  We’ve got you covered! Check out our top 5 picks for 2024:

1. Milionverifier:

Milionverifier a trusted email list validation tool. It’s accurate (99%+), costs $389 for 1 million verifications, and integrates with 17 top email platforms.


  • ✔️ Domain & SMTP validation: Filters out invalid or parked domains.
  • ✔️ Spam trap checker: Enhances your reputation by removing spam traps.
  • ✔️ Disposable email checker: Eliminates temporary email accounts.
  • ✔️ Catch-all domain checker: Boosts open rates by skipping catch-all domains.
  • ✔️ Syntax eliminator: Removes emails with invalid syntax in real-time.
  • ✔️ Hard bounce checker: Confirms if emails can receive messages.
  • ✔️ MTA validator: Checks email transfer agents.
  • ✔️ Email deduplication: Cleans duplicate emails.
  • ✔️ Email verifier API: Instantly verifies emails on your platform.
  • ✔️ Automated email verification (EverClean): Daily list cleaning.


Here’s a pricing table of Milionverifier:

Verification CreditsPriceUsage
10,000$37Email Checker, Email List Cleaning, Bulk Email Verification, ESP Integrations Import, Email Verification API
25,000$49Email Checker, Email List Cleaning, Bulk Email Verification, ESP Integrations Import, Email Verification API
50,000$77Email Checker, Email List Cleaning, Bulk Email Verification, ESP Integrations Import, Email Verification API
100,000$129Email Checker, Email List Cleaning, Bulk Email Verification, ESP Integrations Import, Email Verification API
10,000,000$2,529Email Checker, Email List Cleaning, Bulk Email Verification, ESP Integrations Import, Email Verification API


  • ➤ High accuracy and money-back guarantee.
  • ➤ Affordable, flexible pricing.
  • ➤ Easy-to-use interface and integrations.
  • ➤ Real-time, automated verification.
  • ➤ Excellent customer support.


  • ➤ No free trial.
  • ➤ No spam-trap removal.
  • ➤ No role-based email detection.

2. Reoon

Meet Reoon, an email list validation tool. It’s great for checking email addresses in bulk. Here’s what it offers:


  • Spam Trap Detection: Keeps your sender reputation safe by spotting and removing spam traps.
  • Disposable Email Detection: Identifies and weeds out temporary or disposable emails.
  • Catch-All Email Detection: Skips catch-all domains that accept any email.
  • Syntax Error Checker: Cleans out emails with formatting errors.
  • Anti-Greylisting Technology: Boosts accuracy by mimicking a well-configured email engine.
  • Team Account: Share one Reoon account with multiple users.
  • Domain Confirmation: Checks the validity of associated domain names.
  • MTA Validation: Verifies the mail transfer agent and MX records for each email.
  • Integration: Easily connect your ESP account.
  • Question Answering: Get answers to common email verification and marketing questions.
  • ➤ Weather Results: Fetch weather info based on IP or query.


Free Tier
600 Credit Per Month
✔️ Single/bulk email verification.
✔️ Email list verification.
✔️ Live API validation (0.5 Seconds).
✔️ Totally free. No credit card is required.
✔️ Verify up to 600 emails per month.
✔️ Free 100 instant credits included.
✔️ Every feature included.
Daily Credits
Enter your description
✔️ Single/bulk email verification
✔️ Email list verification.
✔️ Email list verification
✔️Live API validation (0.5 Seconds).
✔️ Starts from $9 only (500 credits/day).
✔️ As low as $0.0005 per verification.
✔️ Credits will renew every day.
✔️ Best for verifying email sets daily.
Lifetime Credits
PurchaseCredits Never Expire
✔️ Single/bulk email verification.
✔️ Email list verification.
✔️ Live API validation (0.5 Seconds).
✔️ Starts from $11.90 only (10k credits).
✔️ As low as $0.0007 per verification.
✔️ Credits will never expire.
✔️ No monthly charges.


  • ➤ Free plan with 100 verifications.
  • ➤ Pay-as-you-go, no expiration.
  • ➤ Speedy and accurate verification.
  • ➤ Loads of features and integrations.
  • ➤ Q&A and weather features.


  • ➤ No money-back guarantee.
  • ➤ No automated verification.
  • ➤ Lacks role-based email detection.

3. Debounce

Debounce is a handy email validation tool. It quickly checks emails, offering domain & SMTP validation, spam trap detection, disposable email removal, and more.

Features of Debounce:

  • ✔️ Verify domain & SMTP for email addresses.
  • ✔️ Remove spam traps to protect sender reputation.
  • ✔️ Eliminate disposable email addresses.
  • ✔️ Skip catch-all domains that harm open rates.
  • ✔️ Fix invalid syntax errors.
  • ✔️ Use anti-greylisting tech for accuracy.
  • ✔️ Check MTA and MX records.
  • ✔️ Remove duplicate emails.
  • ✔️ Easy integration via the API.
  • ✔️ Connect with ESPs for seamless management.


Here’s a pricing table of Debounce:


Price per Verification

Total Price
































  • ▶ Free plan with 100 verifications.
  • ▶ No monthly fees.
  • ▶ Fast and accurate validation.
  • ▶ Offers various features and integrations.
  • ▶ Uses anti-greylisting tech.


  • ➤ No money-back guarantee.
  • ➤ No automated verification.
  • ➤ Lacks role-based email detection.

4. Email List Verify

Email List Verify is your go-to tool for hassle-free email validation. Whether you have a long list to check or need real-time verification, we’ve got you covered. Here’s what we offer:

Key Features:

  1. Domain & SMTP Validation: We make sure your emails reach the right destination by checking domain and SMTP server validity.
  2. No More Spam Traps: Say goodbye to spam traps that can harm your sender reputation. We’ll remove them for you.
  3. Disposable Email Detection: Get rid of those temporary email addresses that clutter your list.
  4. Skip Catch-All Domains: We identify catch-all domains that can mess up your stats and help you avoid them.
  5. Syntax Error Cleanup: We catch emails with format errors to prevent hard bounces.
  6. Hard Bounce Removal: Our undetectable verifications ensure you’re reaching real addresses.
  7. MTA Validation: We check the mail transfer agent, MX records, and availability for each email.
  8. No More Duplicates: We save your resources by detecting and removing duplicate emails.
  9. Seamless Integration: Easily integrate our Email Verifier API with your website or app.
  10. Connect with ESPs: Link your ESP account with Email List Verify for seamless list management.
  11. Try Before You Buy: Start with a free trial of 1,000 verifications per day for 10 days.

Pricing: (Pay as You Go Pricing:)

Number of Emails Price Price per Email
10,000,000 emails $3,290 $0.0003 / email
5,000,000 emails $1,990 $0.0004 / email
2,500,000 emails $1,190 $0.0005 / email
1,000,000 emails $599 $0.0006 / email
500,000 emails $449 $0.0009 / email
250,000 emails $349 $0.0014 / email
100,000 emails $169 $0.0017 / email
50,000 emails $89 $0.0018 / email
25,000 emails $49 $0.0020 / email
10,000 emails $24 $0.0024 / email
5,000 emails $15 $0.0030 / email
1,000 emails $4 $0.0040 / email
Monthly Subscription Pricing:
Number of Emails per Day Price Savings
5,000 emails / day $139 Save up to 50%
15,000 emails / day $289
35,000 emails / day $389
50,000 emails / day $589
75,000 emails / day $689
100,000 emails / day $989 Great for API integration


  • ➤ Free trial with 1,000 verifications daily for 10 days
  • ➤ Pay-as-you-go with no expiration
  • ➤ User-friendly interface and easy integrations
  • ➤ Say goodbye to spam traps and hard bounces


  • ➤ No money-back guarantee
  • ➤ No automated verification
  • ➤ No role-based email detection

5. Proofy

Proofy is a trusted email validation tool. It verifies emails in bulk or real-time. Key features include domain & SMTP validation, spam trap check, disposable email detection, catch-all domain detection, syntax validation, MTA verification, email deduplication, email verifier API, ESP integration, and a money-back guarantee.


  • Domain & SMTP validation: Checks email domains and SMTP servers.
  • Spam trap checker: Identifies and removes spam-trap addresses.
  • Disposable email checker: Detects and removes temporary emails.
  • Catch-all domain checker: Avoids catch-all domains.
  • Syntax eliminator: Fixes email format errors.
  • MTA validator: Verifies mail transfer agents.
  • Email deduplication: Removes duplicates.
  • Email verifier API: Instant verification for your website.
  • Integration: Connects with ESPs for easy list management.
  • Money-back guarantee: Satisfaction assurance.


Here’s a pricing table of Proofy:
Number of Emails Price per Check Total Price Savings
100 emails FREE FREE
5,000 emails $0.0024 / 1 check $16 Save 36%
10,000 emails $0.0019 / 1 check $29 Save 42%
30,000 emails $0.0018 / 1 check $63 Save 58%
50,000 emails $0.0015 / 1 check $99 Save 60%
70,000 checks $0.0013 / 1 check $124


  • ➤ Free plan with 500 verifications.
  • ➤ Flexible pay-as-you-go pricing.
  • ➤ Reliable and secure verification.
  • ➤ Multiple features and integrations.
  • ➤ Money-back guarantee.


  • ➤ No free trial.
  • ➤ No automated verification.
  • ➤ Lacks role-based email detection.


Email list validation is a must for email marketers who want better results. It helps your emails get delivered, seen, and engaged with. With email validation tools, you can clean out bad emails from your list and focus on the good ones.

Choosing the right tool matters. Accuracy, speed, cost, features, and support are key. Here are the top 5 email list validators for 2023-2024:

  1. Milionverifier: Trusted, 99%+ accuracy, $389 for 1 million verifications, and works with 17 ESPs.
  2. Reoon: Fast and accurate, free plan for 100 verifications/month, pay-as-you-go, and cool features like Q&A and weather results.
  3. Debounce: Easy-to-use, free plan with 100 verifications, pay-as-you-go, anti-greylisting, and more.
  4. Email list Verify: Reliable and secure, 1,000 verifications/day for 10 days in the free trial, and spam trap removal.
  5. Proofy: Comprehensive, free plan with 500 verifications, pay-as-you-go, and a money-back guarantee.


  • ➤ If you want a trusted tool with high accuracy, go for Milionverifier.
  • ➤ For speed and a free plan with extra features, Reoon is a good choice.
  • ➤ Debounce is simple and user-friendly with a free plan.
  • ➤ If security and spam trap removal are crucial, check out Email list Verify.
  • ➤ Proofy offers flexibility with a free plan and a money-back guarantee.

No matter your choice, regular list validation is key to successful email marketing.


  1. How often should I validate my email list?

Every 3 months or before each campaign is a good rule of thumb.

2. How long does validation take?

Depends on your list size and the tool, but most can validate thousands of emails quickly.

3. How to improve email deliverability?

Besides validation, focus on sender reputation, content, subject line, personalization, and other email marketing best practices.

4. What is the difference between hard bounce and soft bounce?

Hard bounce means the email is invalid; remove it. Soft bounce is temporary, often due to inbox issues.

5. What is the difference between disposable email and catch-all email?

Disposable is for one-time use; catch-all accepts any email to a domain. Both are not good for your list; remove them.